圆拱型顶开电动采光排烟天窗 ARCHED TOP-OPENING ELECTIC DAYLIGHTING AND SMOKE EXHAUSTED SKYLIGHTS 外观为圆弧形,有效减少风压阻力,天窗顶部为采光板,有效增加室内亮度,开启电机设计成24V安全电压,可连接消防联动控制系统及风、雨、烟感应器,适用于生产车间;大厅;体育场。 The appearance of circular arc, effectively reduce the wind pressure resistance, skylight roof for the light board, effectively increase the indoor brightness, open motor design into 24V safety voltage, can be connected to the fire linkage control system and wind, rain, smoke sensor, suitable for the production workshop; The hall; The stadium. 顶开型电动采光排烟天窗选用表 Top open type electric daylighting and smoke extraction skylight selection table